REACHology(TM) Updates: Covering strategies that triggers an increase in our audience knowing, liking and trusting us.
REACHology(TM) is a term for which I have a trademark application with I have defined REACHology as the science and study of influential reach. As a doctoral candidate at Liberty University, influential reach is my research focus. This blog documents some of my research insights with implementable strategies.
Did you realize we measure mass metrics in grams and measure influence in INSTA grams?
— Trudy Beerman (@TrudyBeerman) January 7, 2023
Personal Branding Hacks - Influence Media PSI TV
The marketplace is noisy, and your prospect is distracted and may not notice your existence or offer in the marketplace. A guest appearance on PSI TV amplifies your voice in the attention economy.
Uncover the Power of PSI TV for Speakers: Why It's Essential
In today's digital age, speakers have more opportunities than ever to share their message with a wide audience. One powerful way to reach a larger demographic is by being a guest on television programs.
Unlock Your Potential: Why Being a Guest on PSI TV Show on Roku is a Game-Changer
Getting your offer noticed is the first step toward success. The PSI TV Show on Roku could be your golden ticket to reaching a global audience and catapulting your brand to new heights.