REACHology(TM) Updates: Covering strategies that triggers an increase in our audience knowing, liking and trusting us.
REACHology(TM) is a term for which I have a trademark application with I have defined REACHology as the science and study of influential reach. As a doctoral candidate at Liberty University, influential reach is my research focus. This blog documents some of my research insights with implementable strategies.
Did you realize we measure mass metrics in grams and measure influence in INSTA grams?
— Trudy Beerman (@TrudyBeerman) January 7, 2023
Demand, Supply and the Perception of Value.
Experts Work for Kings and Nobles. Get Known for What You Do!
$500 Buget TV or YouTube Studio Setup
Whether you are going to be a guest on PSI TV, or setting up your basic studio for your new TV or YouTube Channel. This is for you if you have a $500 Budget to set up/upgrade your TV or YouTube studio,