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Meet Your Audience Where They Are. How to Be Digitally 'Omnipresent-ish'
Life Surge was a traveling event that I attended when it came to my hometown in July of 2021. There were many influential speakers, and the speaker lineup included Tim Tebow. Another speaker on the list was completely unknown to me. Never heard of him before. I was standing next to him when people lined up to take a picture with him. He assumed that was why I was standing there. I did what any sane business builder would do - I took a picture with this man.
Later, as the program progressed, it was his turn to speak. I became a fan! That night and for several days after, I stalked him and watched every video, listened to every podcast, subscribed to his social media, and followed him as much as possible. $30,000 later, he became my business coach (FYI-I was a lower-level student of his coaching packages run up to $1M/year).
This process of following a leader is nothing new. Recent research by Think Google shared this phenomenon, and as a student of all things that affect influential reach, I am sharing this as I know those interested in being on TV have this same interest.
TVs are in most US homes. In fact, for the end of year sales, TVs are one of the top tech products sold.

This is where our REACHology(TM) Services can help.
Having a presence on social media is essential, and you should include a presence on TV in that mix. The TV industry is growing! People who tell you they do not watch TV watch Netflix or Hulu. They say they do not watch TV because they may not be watching a big screen in their living room - but make no mistake, TV has become a traveling entity. Cable TV is dead, but O.T.T. (over-the-top television) is new and growing. O.T.T. platforms like Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, and VIDAA -to name a few, are internet-driven, which means TV is more mobile than ever before.
Influence Media PSI TV has a Netflix-like channel presence on several O.T.T. platforms, and we embedded our channel into our mobile app for viewing content on the go. Why? Because we practice what we preach. We are working hard to become digitally omnipresent-ish. Only God is omnipresent, but the concept of being everywhere always and simultaneously becomes possible with a digital presence. Consumers will follow brands and leaders they like from screen to screen and from platform to platform is part of the strategy. We want to be where our prospects and customers are AND to be found on various platforms if they look for us in other places.
Do you have the same goal? If not, maybe you should consider adding that to your tasks that move the business needle.
If you want to explore if TV is a fit for you or your brand, click HERE